John Ta


I'm an experienced and award-winning teaching assistant (TA) for multiple courses including Partial Differential Equations (MATH-241) and Organic Chemistry I (CHEM-241).


Students Taught Fall 2019, Spring 2020 Semesters


Rating Out of 4.00


Piazza Questions answered


All teaching assistant reviews are completely anonymous. Aggregated over the course of Fall 2019 – Spring 2020. Currently the highest ever rated MATH-241 TA in Penn math history and won Good Teaching Award in Fall 2019 semester.


1:1 MATH-241 Tutoring

Private, 1:1 tutoring with a curriculum catered towards your learning capabilities. Contact me to learn more!

Group MATH-241 Tutoring

Want to learn and discuss complex partials with a group of people? Contact me to learn more!

Career coaching

Transitioning from academia to finance roles? Curious about how to break into IB? I'll coach you through networking, coffee chatting, and interviewing. Contact me to learn more!